Writing Lessons

Critique Group – All the King’s Daughters

Mission Impossible? I hope not. 🙂 Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All you have to do is post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have to critique the whole piece. Even a short comment on one aspect… Read More ›

Critique Group – Time Echoes

Another mission for you, should you choose to accept it: Since I have no more critique submissions, today is your chance to critique something I’m working on. I am rewriting my book Beyond the Reflection’s Edge. The new title is… Read More ›

Critique Group – Imagination Runner

Let’s celebrate Han’s return with a great critiquing session! Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All you have to do is post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have to critique the whole piece. Even a short comment… Read More ›

Critique Group – Windsong

I’ll bet even Ethan Hunt couldn’t do that, but maybe we can do the impossible here. (Not that the submitted piece this week is impossible to critique. Just go with the joke.) 🙂 Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All you have… Read More ›

Critique Group – The Ogre Wars

Not yet, Mary, but send it to our group, and we’ll do what we can to make it practically perfect. Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All you have to do is post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like… Read More ›

Critique Group – A Light in the Dark

See we don’t have straw for brains, we can be great editors. Let’s do it! Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All you have to do is post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have to critique the… Read More ›

Critique Group – Cypress

Get it? ApPEALing? You see, they’re both peeling potatoes and … Why are you wincing? Anyway, it’s critique Friday. I hope you find today’s submission appealing. Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All you have to do is post a comment about… Read More ›

Critique Group – Once Upon a Dragon

Let’s hope a missing comma is the least of our worries. Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All you have to do is post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have to critique the whole piece. Even a… Read More ›

Critique Group Friday Submissions Now Open

Submissions for Critique Group Fridays are now open again. I will begin posting them as soon as I receive some suitable entries, though I might not post one every week. We’ll see how it goes. Before you send a submission, be sure… Read More ›

Story Development – Updated Science-Fiction Story

After reading the beginning of the new science-fiction story I posted a few weeks ago, an astute writer/reader friend commented that the focal character (Megan) seemed a lot like some of my other characters, that I should consider altering her…. Read More ›