Writing a Novel

Writing Q&A Number 8

From Jonathan: 1. In my story, my main character starts in her ordinary world. In the first chapter she has a goal, fails and gets propelled toward another. This disrupts her normal world, but it is not a sudden upheaval…. Read More ›

Critique Group – The Traveler

True, but I think Steve Rogers is just showing off. 🙂 Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All I ask is that you post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have to critique the whole piece. Even a… Read More ›

Writing Q&A Number 7

From Hope: Over the past year I have written out a manuscript, gone through and fixed grammar errors, etc., but recently I’ve gotten some feedback and have rewritten the whole beginning. Now I’m going through the manuscript again, but because… Read More ›

Critique Group – A Monster Saved Part 2

We need to be nicer than the emperor. Compliment first. Critique second. And suggest specific ways to improve. Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All I ask is that you post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have… Read More ›

Critique Group – Where Werewolves Come From

Critiques can pop your balloon or burst your bubble, but don’t let that get you down. Just learn from the critique and keep writing. Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All I ask is that you post a comment about the submission… Read More ›

Critique Group – He

Let’s hope Darth is not your critique partner. Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All I ask is that you post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have to critique the whole piece. Even a short comment on… Read More ›

Writing Q&A Number 3

From Lori: What should I do to overcome writer’s block? I am in the middle of writing my own fantasy story and am experiencing writer’s block. I know basically what is going to happen in the story but it’s just… Read More ›

Critique Group – Reaping the Whirlwind

If the character’s name is Chris, I might not notice. Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All I ask is that you post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have to critique the whole piece. Even a short… Read More ›

Writing Q&A Number 2

From Miranda: My main character, Vanetta, has a younger brother named Breheldren who is child-like in his mind set. Vanetta is very defensive about people judging Breheldren (Dren for short). My main supporting character, Ash, makes a passing comment about… Read More ›

Critique Group – Beauty is Found Within

This is no joke. We need critiques. Don’t forget the critiquing guidelines. All you have to do is post a comment about the submission below. Don’t feel like you have to critique the whole piece. Even a short comment on one… Read More ›

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