Hi. My name is Taylor, and I just wanted you to know that your series, Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire are by far my favorite EVER! Bones of Makaidos is my favorite. It’s so perfect how every thing just barely works out and love finds a way to conquer. I especially admired how you can merge strong Biblical truths into a medieval legend shrouded by speculations and myths. You are totally my role model, because I want to become an author someday. I have actually written one book, and I am working on others. I also wanted to ask you to please, please please write another correlating series to DIOM and OOF. I have read both of the series at least four times, and I daydream about what will happen next. If you do decide to write another series with Bonnie, Billy, Walter, Ashley, Sapphira, Elam and the rest of the gang (which I strongly hope you will do) rest assured that I will be among the first to buy. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. God really has blessed you with an amazing talent that helps make the world a better place! Keep up the good work!