Mr. Davis,
Yesterday I received my copy of Omega Dragon,and I just wanted to say thank you. I was one of the winners from the Masters and Slayers contest a few years back, and my prize was to receive the Children of the Bard books as they came out for free. I really appreciate you upholding your agreement by continuing to send me those books as they have come out.
My name is Skyeler, although I was Dancing Oracle on the forums. I don’t expect you to remember me (there were a lot of people on the old forum when I was there!) but I was the one who designed the forum and newsletter header. I’ve noticed since then you have released more books, and new covers for The Dragons of Starlight series. If you are interested I would be more than willing to design a new one for you, as a way of saying thank you for all of the books you have sent me! If you aren’t, and there is not another way I can express my thanks, then please accept my word of appreciation.
I started reading your books when I was twelve, and I am twenty now. They’ve traveled with me through the adolescent years and the characters have stuck with me over time. It was especially Sapphira Adi whom I related to, at the very first because I had finally found a book character who was a short as I am. 😀
As I continued through Eye of the Oracle, and my several rereads of her and my favorite scenes, I found her struggles and heartbreaks to touch me. In spite of her fantastical path of life, she was very real to me.
Only recently, as I heard a song for the first time in quite a while, that I had in my younger years thought was fitting of Sapphira and her trials, did I realize just how much like her I had become. For the first time in my life, I had come across a point where I realized I was living in the unforgiveness of myself, and a time when I believed I was nothing more than Mara, though Christ had already forgiven me. Because of their importance to me in years past your books will still come to mind even now. I plan to do a complete reread through and revisit them this summer when I am out of work before reading the end of the story. I also want to thank you for the characters you have created, for they have been part of my life.
Thank you again,
Skyeler S.