I know you write for God’s glory, not for your own. I am also guessing you write not really expecting much in return. I am usually not bold enough to talk to people I do not know and I must admit I was very surprised when you replied to my first message. That said, I feel like a small voice in the back of my mind is urging me to tell you just how much of an impact your books, which you wrote for Gods glory, have had in my life.
I read the Eye of the Oracle when I was in middle school; I am currently going to be a senior in high school once August begins. I was reading your books while I was going through the hardest years of my life, my deepest valley. I grew up in a Christian home with parents who loved the Lord but we were going through a lot of problems. During middle school I started to become very angry at God for all the pain He was putting me through and eventually I turned my back on Him.
While reading your book I really began to connect with the characters, especially Sapphira. I saw my life in hers, in different ways, of course. God used my love for dragons, books, heroes, and far off places to work in my heart. I eventually began to realize that all this time I was the one running from God not God turning away from me.
Though I didn’t understand all the pain I had to go through at the time, I understand it now. If God could still forgive and love Sapphira when she doubted Him, when she thought He had abandoned her, I knew the same God who is very real and not just a part of a wonderful story could forgive me.
I went and looked up the Bible verses mentioned in your books and I began to read my bible again. I wanted to have a heart for Jesus and to follow Him wholeheartedly, just like my favorite characters. Later when I moved schools, leaving all my friends behind, I felt alone. But I had the books, and God used them to remind me that I was never alone and that He would help me face any and every challenge that came my way.
All this said, I want to thank you, for listening to God, for going against the world and writing a book that speaks openly and freely about Gods great love. I just felt like you should know that God has you right where He wants you. And by being a faithful and obedient servant you are helping expand the kingdom of God possibly more then you realize. Thank you.