Hello Mr. Davis!

Customer Testimonials
Hello Mr. Davis!
Mr. Davis,
Hi Bryan
I’m a homeschooling mum of three from New Zealand. (Actually the eldest is now in school.) I just wanted to let you know that you have had a GOOD impact around here in a couple of different ways.
Yesterday I was having devotions with my girls (12 year old twins) and talking about how the Lord inhabits the praises of His people, and that His manifest Presence becomes stronger as we worship, and especially when we worship corporately. I asked the girls whether they’d heard that before.
My Holly said, “Yes, I learned that when I read about Bonnie in ‘The Candlestone.’”
WOW! I wanted to send a great ROUND OF APPLAUSE via email to you….to have this concept taught through a story means EVERYTHING to a mum like me who is trying to raise my girls to walk with the Lord. THANK YOU Bryan!! Well DONE!!
But wait, there’s more! I’m a wannabe writer too, and this year I fulfilled a dream when I used Dan Schwabauer’s One Year Adventure Novel curriculum to complete my first novel. He very kindly sent me some of his Summer Workshop dvds from 2011, so we had the privilege of hearing you speak. Your talk titled “Passion” touched me deeply. I am going to have my whole family watch it, once I get it back from another writer friend I passed it on to. It confirmed for me that despite the impossibilities facing us as Christian writers, we need to write from our hearts exactly what we feel the Lord wants us to say – regardless of the “market” or current publishing restrictions. It was so good to hear of how the Lord orchestrated people and events both to teach you things and to open the way for you.
It’s so easy for us as writers to give way to discouragement and not to persevere when we can’t see how anyone will read our stuff. Your talk lit the fire for me again when I needed it. THANKS AGAIN, BRYAN!
In addition your two “Revision” workshops were excellent. I learnt so much.
I love that you are going around encouraging young writers to rise up and go for it. I’m the kind of nutter who goes into secular bookshops and prays over the young adult bookshelves when I see the rubbish that’s there – there has GOT to be more for our teens. So I think that people like you and Dan Schwabauer who are encouraging the next generation of writers to develop and use their gifts are VERY important. Just as discouragement has the power to derail us from our calling, so encouragement keeps us on track, and re-inspires our passion for using our gifts to build God’s Kingdom.
Anyway, thanks for reading, Bryan – and thanks again for the GOOD you have brought into our household through your writing and speaking.
May the Lord bless you and your family abundantly,
Angie F.
My name is Lauren and I am 17 and in the 12th grade. I just started re-reading the Oracles of Fire, Dragons in Our Midst, and the first two book of The Children of the Bard (this is about the 5th time, I haven’t been keeping count) in anticipation of The Seventh Door. I’m so excited! What excited me the most about the new Children of the Bard series is that not only is it a sequel to my favorite book series ever, but also, one of the main characters has my first name!
Thank you so much! Your books have inspired me to be more Christlike, feminine, nice, grateful, humble, and tons of other good qualities. I know that just by reading your work, I have become a better writer myself when it comes to those creative writing assignments.
You are amazing! Praise the Lord!
Hello Mr. Davis,
Biggest fan of yours here in Jordan!!!
Your writing is absolutely astounding!!! It amazes me on how you look at the smallest details, only a good author that has passion can do that!
You have in fact made me unable to read other books. They just don’t come up to my expectations after I have read your books!!
The first book I ever read of yours was “The Bones of Makaidos” since some one gifted it to me, believe me it was hard!! I then went and searched for your books at a library, and read Raising Dragons – the second book of Children of the Bard (I can’t recall the name).
What makes me really comfortable about reading your books is, I know you’ll make me have a view of another aspect of the Creator. Your books have brought me closer to Him also!
Come visit Jordan one day!!
Keep reflecting the light of The Creator!
May the Creator bless you,
I know you probably get tons of mail, so I’ll try to make this quick.
I just wanted to say that I’ve read all the DIOM and Children of the Bard so far, and I’m about to read the Oracles of Fire series. (I know, out of order 🙂 and they have been the best series of books I think I’ve ever read! It’s so hard to find God-glorifying books that keep you on the edge of your seat, and wanting more, but I have to say, Mr. Davis, you’ve done it! I felt just like I was right there with the characters, through the fun times, and the hardships, the love of God shining like a light through everything that happened. I would recommend your books to any pre-teen and older who loves to read. I can’t wait until your next book!
Normally the only book that really makes me cry is the Bible, yet I have been moved so many times when reading your books, esp. in DIOM when Bonnie is writing and going through hardships, and more recently, last week when reading From the Mouth of Elijah, when Eagle sacrificed his life for Lauren, I just crawled in my bed and cried. I’m so glad to have great books to read that make me want to grow more in my relationship with Christ. Thank you.
Mr. Davis,
I literally just finished reading Exodus Rising. It was just…fantastic. I know I say this every time, but somehow your books just keep getting better. Exodus Rising was a perfect conclusion to the Tales of Starlight series. It made me laugh out loud several times, as well as cry for sadness and for joy. I learned some very good lessons through the book, mostly through Marcelle, as she and I are very much alike. As I closed the book, I couldn’t keep a smile off my face, remembering the adventures I had been on with the characters from all 7 Starlight books. Starting with Raising Dragons, your writing has never failed to just absolutely astound me every time. Thank you so much for another incredible journey! I can’t wait for The Seventh Door! =)
Dear Mr. Davis,
I’m a reader, I have been since I was seven years old and I read Chronicles Of Narnia. When I was thirteen I started reading your books, and while you dragon books were lovely I was I devoted to more than one of your series it was Echoes From The Edge that rocked my world. At thirteen and fourteen years old I was immersed in fantasy. You and Ted Dekker were my favorites.
Today I guess I’ve moved on… honestly you had to admit I’m nineteen years old and you don’t really write for my demographic anymore.
Without those books though, those Echoes From The Edge books that caught me crying in my bed on more than one occasion, and gasp along with every character — I don’t think I would know what a good book is. I’ve read easily two or three hundred books since then, but it’s those books that I always remember. I’ve decided I’m going to re-read them in the near future because I’m getting all nostalgic just writing this.
I just wanted you to know what you did for me. And how amazing those books were — and how if you ever released something remotely similar I’d snatch them up in an instant even if they were written for thirteen year old girls and I’m in college now.