Nathan P. – Rekindled the fire within me

Hello Mr. Davis!

I think you probably already know this but I just received my copy of TBOM in the mail last night. I am super excited, but I did in fact control myself enough not to be jumping up and down likes some others I know lol

But a little bit ago I read the scene where Bonnie sort of embraces the Oracle of Fire mantle, where her faith is tested and she bursts into flames unburned. I have to tell you that that hit home…after all of the discussions you and I have had through email and such…it hit home.

I have always loved your books…but The Bones of Makaidos is proving itself to be one filled with faith. And sir, this book has rekindled the fire within me…perhaps as the dedication prays.

Mr. Davis I’d like you to know that I’ve been praying for you many times, though not quite every day. I’ve prayed that God will use you in perhaps more ways than He is already. I hope we can pray for each other, as brothers in Christ.

I’ve said it before and I say it again…thank you.