Missy M. – A homeschool mom

Dear Mr.Davis,
I have read all three series including  and stemming from Dragons in Our Midst. I loved them and how they highlight that we are called to suffer for Christ.  We are called to come and die as Bonhoeffer said.  I have passed these books on to my 3 children, 16 yrs. old and my twin 13 year olds. They are the key that has gotten my 13 year old son to be a reader.  He reads and reads until he finishes one book and goes straight into the next. I am thankful for the message in them of the cost to follow Christ and the power of Christ to work in our lives to impact the world.
I’m sure that my kids will soon be reading the Starlight series as well, with a high recommendation from their Mom.  I keep telling other parents and students about them as well, especially for boys that are not interested in reading.
In His Grip,
Missy M., a homeschool Mom who is careful what her kids read.