Mr. Davis,
Hi, my name is Laura. I’m 17, and I’m enraptured with your books! In fact, reading the Oracles of Fire series last summer turned my life around and helped me find my way to Jesus again. I love sci-fi movies and TV shows, and my family and I are Trekkies. Anyhow, right now, you’re my favorite author. I have a passion for writing, too, and most of what I write is sci-fi. After going on a youth retreat in January, an idea came for a story came to me, and I’m sort of modeling it after your books. My English professor has been helping me get better at writing, and she said I should study the books I’m reading, so I’ve been doing that, too.
I feel really close with Billy and Bonnie Bannister (I apologize if I spelled their last name wrong; I’m a phonetic speller) and the other dragons-turned-human and anthrozils, because they’re different from other human beings, and so am I; I have juvenile arthritis and an autonomic system disorder called POTS, and this sets me apart from other kids. The arthritis has been with me since age 9, and it’s made life very interesting. At any rate, God has spoken to me through your books and shown me how He can help me through my journey of struggles.
Sir, thank you for writing these books!