Caitlin T. – My walk with Christ

  My name is Caitlin.  My brother and I have read, and enjoyed, all of the books in the Dragons In Our Midst and Oracles of Fire series. I have also read Beyond the Reflections Edge and Eternity’s Edge. All of your books that  I have read have been beautifully written and have challenged me in my walk with Christ. Thank you for using your gift to honor GOD.
     But to be honest, that is not the only reason I’m writing. I would like to know how you wrote your books so well. I mean, what techniques did you use? If you don’t mind me asking questions, could you please reply to this email and let me know? If you’re busy, it’s not very important and I don’t want to bother you.
     Thank you again for writing those books, they’re like a little reminder of what an awesome GOD we serve. You have no idea what an encouragement your writing has been to me. I’m not Bonnie, and not near as eloquent as she is, so the best I can say is thank you. So I will. Thank you Brian Davis, for following the road that Yahweh set beneath your feet.