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Bryan Davis Information and Shopping Website

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29 thoughts on “Bryan Davis Information and Shopping Website

  1. I LOVE Dragons in are mist.

  2. my favorite book is the candlestone

    1. I’m glad you have enjoyed my books. 🙂

  3. You should write a couple more books in the Dragons in our midst series it was your most popular and you just quit you really should continue it i would be awesome to see the next one

    1. Austin, there are now 12 books in the Dragons in our Midst story world, 4 in Dragons in our Midst, 4 in Oracles of Fire, and 4 in Children of the Bard. If you have already read them all, then you might try the Dragons of Starlight series or the Reapers trilogy.

      1. Are you going to write more?

        1. I have no plans to write more novels in that story world.

          1. You should make plans to

          2. No, thank you. 12 books is plenty. 🙂

  4. My daughter Rosie wrote a book review about your series dragons of starlight…. As follows…
    Dragons of starlight an amazing series full of surprise and on the edge f your seat action.
    In the series there are two main lands, the northlands and the southlands which are separated by a giant wall. The characters you will meet are awesome and determined to save the salves. Jason and Elyssa are two of the characters from the major four that have come to save the slaves. Karen and Cassabrie (former salve for the southland dragons) are starlighters with awesome power … (there’s more)
    I would refer this book to anyone who loves action and everything awesome because it’s on every page. Thanks you and I hope you read this book… Rosie
    She’s 11 and she really loves what you do, I just wanted you to see a bit of what she wrote for a school project.

    1. I’m glad Rosie enjoyed the series so much. Please thank her for me. I appreciate her enthusiasm and kind words.

    2. I love both series of the dragons of starlight so much :). My favourite character is Cassabrie. When you read the second series there is so much you didn’t know from the first which is what I love about the series.

  5. Mr. Davis,
    Thank you so much for your writing! Every book that I’ve read of yours (I’ve read almost all of them.) has inspired me greatly. I look forward to reading more in the future. Speaking of the future, do you have any plans for upcoming books besides the next one in the Reapers trilogy?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Emily,

      I’m glad you have enjoyed my books so much.

      I am working on several projects. I plan to publish a rewrite of the Echoes from the Edge series. The new name will be the Time Echoes Trilogy. I also have a superhero story for which I am seeking a publisher, and I have written a novel for adults. If I cannot find publishers for these books, I will self-publish them.

  6. Every night, me and my family all gather up around the living room and Mom reads us a story. Dragons In Our Midst and Oracles of Fire made us all hang on the edges of our seats. Some one even fell off their chair! the characters seem so real as if this story really could happen. All I can say is the book is very well written and extremely intriguing.

    Thank you so much Mr. Bryan Davis. for writing a good, Christian, full dragon series. My whole family has enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Thanks from, Mom Dad, Alisha 13, Andrew 10, Julianna 8 and Jeremy 5. Home schooling family of seven.

    1. You’re welcome, Alisha. Thank you for the kind words. I’m glad your family members have enjoyed the books so much.

  7. Dear Mr. Davis,
    Dragons in our midst, oracles of fire, and children of the bard are my favorite books of all time. no other books can get my attention. I know there is already a movie about raising dragons, but you can totally tell that Bonnie’s wings and Billy’s fire is fake, no offense to the creators. It would be so cool if Disney could make your whole book series like star wars and marvel. they make everything look so real. I know what your thinking, its probably going to take a LOT of money but raise enough money I bet you one hundred dollars you could do it.

    1. I’m glad that you have enjoyed my books. The movie that was made was by a teenager as a hobby project. It is not an official Raising Dragons movie. It would take a lot of money to make a good version of the movie, much more than I have available.

  8. also why is your name clefspeare? I want to believe that dragons are real but I know that their not.

    1. I like to identify with my book characters, so I took the name for some of my website i.d.’s.

  9. I wish three was more to the dragons in our midst series but like you said to Austin at the top of the page that omega Dragon was your last book. I let two people borrow it all ready and they kept asking for the next one. Right now I am on from the mouth of Elijah. I am going to be so sad when I am done with them😢😢😢. Thank you for writing such great books😀.

    1. You’re welcome. It has been a pleasure writing these books.

  10. What gave you the idea to write dragons in our midst, Oracle’s of fire and children of the bard?

    1. I had a dream about a boy who could breathe fire.

  11. Why didn’t you make Walter and Ashley have kids?
    P.S. Just wondering😁

    1. They did have kids. Ashley was pregnant at the end of Omega Dragon.

  12. Why didn’t Walter and Ashley have kids?
    P.S. Just wondering😁

  13. Do you now a Guy named ozz borges? If so he is my uncle and one time he saw last of the nephelim on the dining room table and he said that he had a long conversation with you. I just want to know if it was actually you that he was talking to.

    1. I do not remember the name, but I have had many conversations with many people, and I cannot remember all of them.

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