Favorite Female Character Poll

poll2Just for fun, let’s have a poll about your favorite female characters from my stories. You may choose up to three names and/or add a name if your choice isn’t on the list.

After the poll began, I added Naamah, Listener, and Karen, so their votes are slightly understated in the results. Karen should have 4 more votes, Listener 2, and Naamah 1.

Also, you are welcome to comment about your choice. 🙂





Categories: Feedback Poll


88 replies

  1. I voted for Ashley, Bonnie, and Lauren, and then clicked to view results, and for some reason it is not displaying my votes correctly.

  2. I voted for Ashley, Bonnie, and Marcelle 🙂

  3. I voted for Bonnie, Sapphira and Ashley! 🙂

  4. I vote for Cassabrie, Sapphire, and Naamah. Yes, Naamah. I liked her starting with Eye of the Oracle all the way to where she turns good. She seemed like she’d been tricked by her sister the whole time.

  5. If you do a favorite male character poll, please include the Professor Hamilton/Merlin combo, even though it was for a small time, it was still really cool. =)

  6. I voted for Sapphira, Ashley, and Shiloh. I’ve always felt a connection with each one of them, and they will always be my favorites.

  7. I voted for Sapphira, Ashley, and Karen (though Karen wasn’t on there) 🙂

  8. I voted for Sapphira, Bonnie, and Listener.

  9. I voted for most of the side characters, like Tamara and Darcy (cause even though she was horrible to Matt, she was a hero in the end)

  10. I voted for Sapphira, Ashley and Listener 🙂
    (I was surprised Listener wasn’t on the list)

  11. I voted for mara naamah and shiloh

  12. I voted for Ashley, Bonnie, and Lauren. But why does Listener have so little votes? She’s awesome!

  13. If there was a fourth I would have done Listener. I did Bonnie, Acacia, and Lauren. I LOVE the name Acacia!

  14. I voted for Elyssa Cantor and Sapphira Adi without hestitation, but choosing a third was hard! I love so many characters! I went with Ashley, but it could have easily been Bonnie or Karen. Without a doubt, though, Elyssa is my favorite because she is basically me on the written page (I don’t know how you did it, Bryan Davis). I’ve struggled with almost the exact things she has. Reading how she overcame those struggles helped me in my own life. 🙂 And her name is very close to mine!

  15. Ashley, Sapphira, and Bonnie. These three have been the constant close to my heart characters whose stories have influenced and encouraged me. It was hard not to pick others for some of their amazing deeds.

  16. I thought of more I could have added–Daryl (red and blue), Francesca (red and yellow), Scarlet, and Amber.

  17. Even though I don’t know who she is, I kinda wanted to vote for Elyssa because her name is so close to mine. Elyssa, Alyssa. See the similarities?

  18. I just did my brother’s who has read up to just before Shiloh. He liked Hartanna, Bonnie, Ashley, and Karen. P.S. It didn’t show that he voted for Karen.

  19. I voted for Sapphira, Bonnie, and Ashley. This was SUCH a hard choice though! But these three will probably always be my favorite.

  20. I voted for Bonnie, Marcelle, and Kelly. Of the three separate series they come from, they’re probably my top favorite females. But I would have picked all of them if I could! XD

  21. I voted for Bonnie, who is one of my heroes, and Marcelle, because I LOVE watching her journey from who she was at the beginning to who she was at the end, and Acacia. I can’t figure out why Acacia has only four votes!!!! I understand that she was not as much of a main character, but she was still pretty important!!! She was a true hero in Bones of Makaidos, and she was SO gentle, and kind. She’s also one of my heroes. But then again, pretty much all of the characters are my heroes…. so it was a hard choice!!!

  22. I find it interesting that Marcelle is currently in fifth place even though she is in the least-read of my series – Tales of Starlight.

    More people need to read that series so they can learn about Marcelle and Cassabrie, two of my most complex female characters, especially Cassabrie.

    Third Starlighter, #2 in that series, stands as my wife’s favorite book that I’ve written. One of my favorite scenes of all time is in that book.

    • I absolutely LOVED Tales of Starlight. It was so fun to keep track of all the stories that intertwined together, and watch the complicated relationships of Marcelle, Adrian, and Cassabrie develop. I also enjoyed how the last book really showed how Mesolantrum changed and further combined the two planets. Marcelle and Cassabrie were both very relatable in different ways. This series is definitely very high on my list of favorites.

    • I think my favorite series of yours, Bryan Davis, are the Starlight books (all six)! I loved the parallelism between the two worlds.

    • You know I have read that series Mr. Davis =). For this vote I was focusing purely on DioM series rather than other series, and it was partially due the exact reason you stated. I guess I am not very good at the whole voting thing because Marcelle is actually my number two favorite female character of yours, for me it is still hard to beat a super genius like Ashley for number one. =)

    • I REALLY want to read them, but… well, I just haven’t gotten them. Yet.

    • Tales of Starlight is my favorite series that you’ve written, Mr. Davis! I love book #1, Masters and Slayers, but they’re all really good! I love how you intertwined the Tales of Starlight series with the Dragons of Starlight series (another favorite of mine, by the way!) Marcelle is probably my favorite female book character of all time. Like you said, she is very complex, and I love her character more than I can put into words. You do such an amazing job crafting your characters! 🙂

    • I literally finished the series last night. It was really good. I thought Cassabrie was pretty awesome.

  23. I am 14 and have not stopped reading your books since I was 10. Thank you so much for writing these amazing books that I have loved reading time after time. I have told all my friends about you and your books and connotation stop reading them. Once again thank you for writing these amazing stories that have h pled me grow closer to God.

  24. Sorry not connotation I meant cannot

  25. I voted for Bonnie Silver, Sapphira Adi, and Koren. I love all three of these strong heroines! I could connect with Ashley and Elyssa, too, but there’s only 3 slots! I especially LOVE Koren’s starlighter abilities. I wish I had them. [They’d come in handy when trying to imagine a story, because it’d just come to life!] :}

    Thank you again for these amazing books, Mr. Davis! I fell in love with the DioM series, and haven’t stopped reading your other works since! 😀

  26. I voted for Bonnie Silver/Bannister, Sapphira Adi, and Ashley Stalworth/Foley.

  27. I plan to have a favorite male character poll next Thursday and a “best” villain character the following Thursday.

  28. I voted for Ashley, Bonnie, and Daryl.

  29. Wow, Bonnie has 104 and Sapphira has 87! Means you should write more characters like those, because they were a role model to a lot of people!

  30. Elyssa, Shiloh, and Kelly.

  31. This was so tough! I have tons of favorites. Listener, Namaah, Koren, Elyssa, Shanghai, Singapore, Lauren… I stuck with Bonnie, Ashley, and Sapphira, though. This was pretty hard…but AWESOME!

  32. I forgot one crucial female character – Tabitha Hanson.

  33. I’m way late to the poll, but I voted for Bonnie, Karen, and Francessca.

  34. I did Bonnie, Ashley and Sapphira. I wish I coulda voted for more, though. Bonnie’s always been my hero, Ashley shows all the tough times and doubts that most people have, (including me) and Sapphira went through so much, but kept her faith in God. I love them all, though. I wish I coulda voted for Listener, though. 🙁 Oh, well. 😉
    (man, I’m late for this pole)

  35. Naamah, Sapphira, and Ashley. Hands down, my favorite characters of the whole series. I loved the character development of all three, particularly Naamah.

  36. It is literally impossible for me to choose just 3!!!!! I just can’t! I love them all. Bonnie, Shiloh, Ashley, Saphira, Acacia, Lauren, Koren, Karen, Cassambrie, Listener, Elyssa, Marcelle, Naamah, how to choose just 3!!! :'(

    I guess I’ll vote for Bonnie because she’s amazing! FAVORITE FEMALE LITERALLY CHARACTER EVER!!!
    Saphira, because I love her story of suffering, sacrifice and faith!
    And Ashley because I identify with her more than any of the others!

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